Legislative Updates

AHMA-PSW’s Affordable Housing News 11/27/19

  • HUD has released the 2020 OCAFs. Click here to view the document.
  • HUD has issued a request for comments on Removing Regulatory Barriers which increase the cost of housing development. Click here to view the notice.
  • Janea Jackson sent the following announcement: “We are experiencing long delays in executing 202 PRAC and Section 8 HAP contract renewals in the Southern California, Nevada, Hawaii, and Alaska portfolios. We apologize for the inconvenience. We have assigned additional staff to help with catching up. This means that you may see emails about contract renewals coming from a different HUD staff person than normal. Additionally, this year has been unique in that funding from Headquarters trickles in and the amount and timing of the funding is inconsistent. We do still have many expired contracts with no funding; thus, we can not renew the contract. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as our team works through these challenges”.