- September 20, 2023 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Instructor: Gwen Volk – Gwen Volk Infocus
On January 1, 2024, HUD will implement the most comprehensive changes to the way HUD properties determine eligibility and calculate income and rent since 1981 when Congress raised the rent cap from 25% to 30% of Adjusted Income. The changes are expected to have a ripple effect on other affordable housing programs including Rural Development and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and HOME programs. Find out the most significant changes, what guidance HUD has provided to date, and when you will need to start following the new rules.
Meeting Link Details
The meeting link and details will be sent out to registrants in a separate email, no later than 48 hours prior to the training date and a reminder will be emailed an hour before the training course. Please be sure to check your junk mail for any emails from training@ahma-psw.org.
Registration Payment & Cancellation Policy
Payment Policy: Payment for course registration is due prior to the scheduled class date. If a registrant is registered within 3 business days of the scheduled training, payment is required to be made via credit card. Send an email to training@ahma-psw.org or call the office at 1.866.698.2462 to make payment by credit card.
Cancellation Policy: For a full refund, cancellation needs to be completed 7 days prior to the scheduled training date by via email to training@ahma-psw.org. You will be charged full registration if cancellation is not done within that stated period.